Thursday, May 9, 2024

Follicular waves in cattle

 1. The ultrasound is portable, non-invasive, provides real-time images, and produces a high-resolution characterization of the reproductive organs (Brown, (2018).

2. ultrasonography is reliable and accurate.
3. The progress in ultrasound technology has shown that follicular development in cattle occurs in waves.
4. Ultrasonography has been used to study reproductive processes such as ovarian follicular wave emergence, dominant follicle selection, and ovulation (Gimenes et al., 2008).
5.Ultrasound can be used to determine whether there is a potentially ovular follicle (greater than 8 mm).Ultrasound offers the possibility of diagnosis of follicles < 5 mm.
Follicular waves
•Follicular waves defined as the synchronous growth of a cohort or group of ovarian follicles (10 to 40, mean 24) that are first detected (>1-4mm in diameter) and increase in diameter similarly until follicle deviation followed by a selection of the dominant follicle for continued growth and regress for all other subordinate follicle of the wave.
•The follicular wave emergence is the earliest ultrasonic detection of follicles ( > 1-4 mm) of a wave that is compatible with tracking individual growing and regressing follicles in a reliable and consistent manner.
•The follicular deviation is defined as the time that the dissociation in dimeter between the future dominant follicle and the next largest follicle of a major wave that begins, on average, when the largest dominant follicle reaches ( 8-9mm) mean 8.5 mm. Potential critical factors for deviationprocess in cattle is Estradiol, IGF1, LH receptor.
•The follicular selection: One follicle is chosen and the rest of follicles regress. when the largest dominant follicle reaches10 mm.
•Dominance defined as the stage in which a single antral follicles is observed that usually reaches size ≥ 10 mm ( peter et al., 2009). The continued growth of the follicle is supported by LH and IGF1 When plasma FSH concentrations decline.

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