Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Importance of Colostrum for new born calves

 Colostrum, also known as the first milk, is a thick, yellowish liquid with a distinctive odor. It differs from regular milk in its chemical composition, containing a high concentration of proteins (up to 17%), compared to 3.5-4% in regular milk. Colostrum is also rich in vitamins B and A, and it is more concentrated and contains more total solids.

Newborns that do not receive an adequate amount of colostrum at the right time have a mortality rate of up to 50%. The survivors are often weak and susceptible to diseases. Typically, newborns are left with their mothers for 3-5 days to consume colostrum, especially in the first hours after birth. The benefits of colostrum gradually decrease over time.

Benefits of Colostrum

  • Provides essential immunity to fight diseases: Colostrum contains antibodies from the mother's immune system, which help protect the newborn from infections.
  • Acts as a laxative and lubricates the digestive system: Colostrum helps the newborn pass meconium (the first stool) and prevents constipation.
  • Provides more protein, minerals, and vitamins than regular milk: Colostrum is a concentrated source of nutrients that are essential for the newborn's growth and development.

Important Notes

  1. If the newborn is unable to nurse for any reason, the mother's colostrum should be collected and fed to the newborn using a bottle. 4/3 liters should be given as soon as possible after birth. The colostrum should be fed directly from the mother and at the same temperature. Feeding cold colostrum can cause diarrhea in the newborn.

  2. If the mother dies, colostrum should be collected from another mother who has recently given birth. It is also recommended to collect excess colostrum from high-yielding animals and store it in frozen containers. This colostrum can be used if the newborn cannot get colostrum from its mother for any reason, after thawing it to a suitable temperature (37°C).

Dear breeder, it is important to give newborns the opportunity to consume colostrum from their mothers.

Additional Information

  • Colostrum is also important for the development of the newborn's gut microbiome.
  • Colostrum can help prevent low blood sugar in full-term babies.
  • Colostrum is easy to digest for newborns.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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